Commission Status :


Check out my TOS and commission prices before dming me!


If you are either not comfortable and/or will not follow my TOS, then please look for another person to take your commission

General Info

  • You are only paying for labor work, nothing else and nothing more

  • Please be sure to have everything in mind before dming me

  • I reserve the right to decline or cancel any commission if need be and/or I feel as though I cannot complete said commission (money will be given back)

  • Credit must be given to everyone/everything INCLUDING myself (will provide proper credits)

  • I hold the right to publish any commissions made (unless discussed otherwise) to my youtube channel

  • By purchasing any of my services you're automatically accepting my Terms of Service and being obligated to follow them.

Ordering and Payment

  • Payment must be made by Paypal

  • Payments will only be accepted if they are by US DOLLARS

  • I require partial payment upfront

  • Payment plans can be discussed but will be made from a case by case basis.

  • Payments will be made via invoice to avoid accidental transactions

  • Payment must be made within 2 days of the invoice unless if discussed otherwise

  • You will be added into a queue/to-do list if I have multiple commissions to complete, you will be told when your commission is being done/what number you are in the queue/list

  • Any payment sent before I accept the commission will not be accepted and I reserve the right to decline your commission if you go against this rule.


  • 100% of payment will be refunded IF I have not already begun on the commission in question

  • Refunds after work has begun will be at a decreased amount. This amount is as follows:

  • Not started - 100%

  • Effects, stages and accessories added - 50%

  • Into editing program - 25%

  • Finished - NO REFUNDS

  • If finished, no refunds will be given. If you would like something added and/or changed - extra payment may be asked for if commission is already completed. If not completed, depending on how complex, an extra fee may be asked

Commission Time

  • All commissions will be done as fast as possible

  • Please be aware that it might take longer to complete a commission based off of my to-do list/queue

  • You will be informed if I need longer on a commission

  • Keep in mind I have medical issues and need several surgeries, so commissions can take anywhere from a few days to over a month or so - you will be informed if anything is causing me to take/need longer.


  • I am not in charge of communication, that is solely up to the commissioner. If WIPS are wanted, then you must ask.

  • Overly rude, disrespectful, or abusive customers will immediately be refunded and put onto a blacklist. I will not tolerate any harmful behavior from anyone.

  • Customers are expected to be polite and kind when communicating with me as I will be to the customer.

  • If you would like a WIP then please ask, nothing is worse than finishing something and the other person not like it because they didn't see what was being made.

  • If during a WIP you see something you'd like change, depending on how complex it is, will be done for free or for a small fee. This will be discussed with the customer.

By commissioning me, it means you have read and accepted all the terms outlined above. Going against my TOS in any way, shape or form will result in an immediate black list.

Commission Pricing

Custom Animation -

  • I charge $20 hr for custom animations. I will have a timer on each time I work on said animation to count up how long I worked on it.

Premade Animation -

  • $25 per minute of video (ex: if the video is 4 minutes long, it will cost $100) - no additional fee's unless raycast is asked for

Raycast+complicated effects -

  • Raycast + complicated effects are an additional $10 per minute - includes custom animations

Photos -

  • A custom photo done in MMD (includes effects or just a greenscreen bg) can be up to $15 depending on complexity.

  • Photos with a greenscreen bg come in packs of 5 - $10

  • Photos with complicated effects/raycast - $15 per photo